GTA+ is a brand new subscription service for GTA Online, or as Rockstar Games calls it a ‘premium membership program’. Basically, you’re paying $5.99 a month for a series of “Member-exclusive” benefits for players on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
These benefits change over once a month, but it seems like players can be guaranteed certain rewards are always included. As per Rockstar, players will receive a monthly GTA$500,000 bonus, one new property, a vehicle, clothing, and event bonuses, discounts, and more. There are also discounts to be had on Shark Cards too.
Read on and we’ll explain everything that’s available in GTA Plus this month.
GTA Plus Rewards This Month (October 2022)
Below is a breakdown of the benefits GTA+ Members will receive from September 29. Players can claim these GTA Plus rewards for a good few weeks and could run until October 27. However with the inclusion of several halloween masks, maybe it will last a little longer and end on November 3. Either way, we know they’ll end on a Thursday following the release of the GTA Online Weekly Update.
GTA+ October 2022 Rewards:
- 3x Speed Boost on – Nightclub Cargo
- 2x on Client Jobs
- 2x Nightclub Cargo from Business Battles & Yohan Source Missions
- Free Terrorbyte
- Free CEO/VIP/MC Abilities
- Free Vehicle Requests
- Free Select Nightclub Storage (B2-B3)
- Free Nightclub Light Rigs
- 35% Off Mk II Weapons
- Clothing: Mummy Outfit, “Gray Cracked Puppet” Mask, “Grimy Stitched” Mask and Pumpkin Hoodie
Past GTA Plus Rewards in 2022
If you’re curious what rewards were on offer previously, here’s a quick breakdown of the benefits GTA+ Members had earlier this year. These rewards are not available anymore, but it’s helpful to know as it’s unlikely the same rewards will be repeated in the months ahead.
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GTA+ Rewards in September 2022
From September 1 to September 29 players could earn the following rewards with GTA+:
GTA+ Rewards in August 2022
From July 25 to August 31 players could earn the following rewards with GTA+
GTA+ Rewards in July 2022
From June 30 to July 25 players could earn the following rewards with GTA+
GTA+ Rewards in June 2022
From June 2 to June 29 players could earn the following rewards with GTA+
GTA+ Rewards in May 2022
From April 28 to June 1 players could earn the following rewards with GTA+
GTA+ Rewards in April 2022
From March 29 to April 27 players could earn the following rewards with GTA+
Is GTA Plus Worth It?
Obviously, the answer to this question is entirely subjective and likely will differ with every month as the rewards themselves change. Right now though, it’s probably safe to say that the subscription is not worth the cost for anyone who has been playing GTA Online for any considerable length of time.
If you’re new to the game, the GTA Plus subscription can be a helpful way to give you a leg up in the beginning. For instance, in the first month players received the La Mesa Auto Shop for free, which would normally cost $1,920,000 from Maze Bank Foreclosures. So in this sense, GTA Plus is worth it. In addition, if you really want to argue in favour of the service, the free $500,000 in GTA cash you’ll receive from GTA Plus would normally cost players $9.99 in Shark Cards.
VERDICT – Is GTA Plus worth it? Yes, if you’re a beginner starting out without a cent to your name. No, if you’ve been playing GTA Online for ages and already have enough money to make Scrooge McDuck jealous.
Will you keep your items if you cancel GTA Plus?
Don’t worry, if you decide to cancel your membership in the future you’ll still get to keep any benefits you claimed.
On Rockstar’s official website this is explained in more detail, and reads:
“If you cancel your subscription to GTA+, you will retain any property, vehicles, and other cosmetic items, along with any bonuses or deals, that you have claimed while your GTA+ Membership was active. However, you will no longer receive the monthly GTA$ bonus, be able to purchase GTA+ Shark Cards, have access to ongoing Membership benefits (such as early access or discounts to certain vehicles or property), or be eligible for new Membership benefits that become active after your Membership ends. You will also forfeit any benefits that you have not claimed by the time your Membership ends. Returning GTA+ Members will gain access to the benefits available for the active Member-only event at the time they renew their GTA+ Membership, but will not be able to claim any benefits or rewards from previous Member-only events which took place while their GTA+ Membership was inactive.”
That’s everything you need to know about the GTA Plus rewards this month. However, if you’re after more guides, tips and tricks, take a look at some of the links below.
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