To kill or not to kill

Decisions are common within gaming and throughout recent years we've seen some impactful ones in single-player games that will directly change the story.
Far Cry 6 has some impactful choices within the game that players may struggle to make, and the first one comes with killing Mckay.
So, should you kill McKay?
Should I Kill Or Spare McKay in Far Cry 6?
McKay is one of the bosses you'll be tasked with taking down within Far Cry 6, as he is the leader within the El Este region.
When you approach McKay, you'll be informed that he's going to be offering you a substantial amount of money for letting him live (5000 to be exact,) which is quite a lot at this point within the game.
However, regardless if you decide to spare him or not, it appears that it won't directly affect the outcome of the story.
If you decide to kill McKay, you'll obtain a new piece of wrist gear, that'll reward you with extra money if you eliminate enemies with poison damage.
On the flipside, if you spare McKay, you'll obtain 5000 Pesos, which can be used to buy an ample amount of gear from the local merchant at this point in the game.
So, which one should you choose? This ultimately comes down to you, and it doesn't seem to be that big of a choice within Far Cry 6.
But, if you aren't rocking much poison gear, the extra 5000 Pesos is surly tempting!