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Turtle BeachSeptember 9, 2022

Diablo Immortal Best Crusader Build - Skills, Legendary Items & Gems

The Diablo Immortal release has finally arrived, with Blizzard’s new mobile Diablo game hitting the Apple App Store and Android Google Play Store. If you’ve only just downloaded the game and considering which class to play, might we suggest having a read of our Diablo Immortal Best Class Tier List before you proceed further?

Assuming you’ve already dived into the game and pledged your allegiance to the Crusader class, you might be wondering what is the best Crusader build in Diablo Immortal. With this in mind, we’ve pulled together this guide which attempts to answer that question with a specific focus on solo play. That means we’re looking at the best build for farming the game’s Bounties, Elder Rifts, Lairs, and Side Quests as a solo player.

If you’re looking for the best Crusader build for PvP, Raids (Helliquary and Kion’s Ordeal), or Dungeons played in a group, you might want to check out a different guide more tailored to that specific criteria. Whilst it’s possible that these builds might be similar, there are always going to be slight variations based on the activity you’re playing (especially PvP).

This build guide also assumes you have played the game sufficiently to level up your character to Level 60, by which point you should be able to gather the associated skills, legendary items, legendary gems and set items without too much trouble.

9 September Note - Reviewed page for Season 4.

What is the best Crusader build in Diablo Immortal

Despite being a mobile-first title, Diablo Immortal is still fairly robust in its approach as a loot-based game. As such players still have plenty of choices to make when assembling their character, including skills, gear and gems to equip all in the name of making your character stronger in the face of unspeakable hellish monsters.

There are countless different ways you can choose to maximise the potential of the class, but if you’re playing solo the best Crusader build in Diablo Immortal is the Draw and Quarter Crusader Build.

The Crusader class, a bit like the Barbarian, is best when using melee attacks up lock and personal in combination with big AOE (area of effect) damage. The Crusader differs from Barbarians in that, they can’t deal quite as much damage, but are better at soaking up damage with their meaty shields. This build is all about enhancing your attacks, and defense to last the fight. The build (outlined further down) focuses on ensuring you remain highly mobile using Draw and Quarter as you dash on your mighty steed, whilst using several further skills to deal as much damage as fast as you can.


Best Skills For Crusader in Diablo Immortal

Crusaders have 2 Primary Attacks to choose from and up to 12 skills. Players may equip one primary attack and up to four skills at a time. If you’re looking to build the best Crusader Draw and Quarter build whilst playing solo, we suggest picking the following:

• Punish – Strike and enemy for damage and gain Hardened Senses, increasing your Block Chance by 30% for 2 seconds.

(Ultimate Ability) Counterattack Storm – Enhance Punish for 12 seconds, striking all enemies in front of you, increasing its damage per hit and increasing its Block Chance bonus. You also gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of your maximum Life for 3 seconds.

• Spinning Shield – Hurl a spinning shield, inflicting damage to all enemies in its path. The shield will return to you, pulling enemies in its path to you and dealing additional damage. Maximum 3 charges. Players can only be affected by Spinning Shield once every 3 seconds.

• Falling Sword (Unlocked at Level 8) – Impale your holy sword at a location where it deals damage over 5 seconds to all nearby enemies. Activate again to launch yourself into the heavens and come crashing down at the sword’s location, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and retrieving the sword.

• Draw and Quarter (Unlocked at level 15) – Mount a Celestrial war horse for 6 seconds, dispelling all movement impairing effects, increasing your movement speed by 65%, and replacing your Primary Attack with a strike. Holy chains will bind up to 8 nearby monsters and drag them as you ride.

• Crusader (Unlocked at Level 20) – Consecrate the ground around you, dealing damage to all nearby enemies over 6 seconds.

Diablo Immortal Crusader

Best Legendary Items for Crusader in Diablo Immortal

Whilst you’ll start out with common, magic and rare items, you’ll eventually want to transition your primary items slots to Legendary items. These powerful pieces of equipment not only have higher stats, but also provide legendary powers to help enhance your existing skills. Plus, they can be socketed with Legendary gems too.

When assembling the best Crusader Draw and Quarter build, we’d opt for these Legendary items:

• Head – Many-Eyed Aegis

• Shoulders – Sivket’s Advantage

• Chest – Besieger

• Legs – Bladed Jambeau

• Main Hand Weapon – Little Lance

• Off Hand Weapon –Pavise of Ten Wings

Best Set Items for Crusader in Diablo Immortal

You’ve got your legendary items equipped, now we need to think about your secondary gear slots, and like Diablo 3, we’re best equipping Set Items. These powerful armor pieces are earned once you reach max character level and can be found dropping in Dungeons from the final boss.

If you’ve never played Diablo before, set items work like this. If you have 2 items of the same set, you’ll gain a buff. This buff increases depending on whether you have 2, 4 or 6 items from the set in question. You can also mix and match with other sets if you wish. Unlike Diablo 3, Set Items won’t conflict with your Legendary Items, which makes it slightly less convoluted (thankfully). So you need to just focus on having the best Set Bonuses to augment your class build.

For the Best Crusader Draw and Quarter Build you want to opt for all 6 items from the Windloft Perfection set. We’ve listed the bonuses you’ll gain, just below:

• 2/6 Bonus – Gain Thousand Winds, increasing your Movement Speed by 15%. Thousand Winds deactivates for 3 seconds if you take damage.

• 4/6 Bonus – Increases your damage done by 20% while Thousand Winds is active.

 6/6 Bonus – Gain a shield that makes you immune to damage 5 times while Thousand Winds is active. Cannot gain this shield more often than once every 40 seconds.

Below are the items you need, plus which dungeon you’ll find them dropping:

Set Item Name
Armor Slot Dungeon
Wisdom’s Edge
Neck Forgotten Tower
Fairfleet Ring 1 Mad King’s Breach
Foulfleet Ring 2 Pit of Anguish
Hurtling Steel Hands Tomb of Fahir
Whipcrack Waist Destruction’s End
Stump-Stir Feet Kikuras Rapids

Best Normal Gems for Crusader in Diablo Immortal

We appreciate it might take some time to acquire those legendary gems (more on them in a minute) so for the sake of covering our bases, here’s a really quick guide on the best normal gems.

• Red Gems – Pick Tourmaline over Ruby, as a damage buff is better than a life buff.

• Blue Gems – Pick Sapphire over Aquamarine, as an armor penetration buff is preferable to an armor buff.

• Yellow Gems – It doesn’t matter as both potency and resistance are pretty pointless stats. Just pick whichever Citrine or Topaz gem is the highest level.

Best Legendary Gems for Crusader in Diablo Immortal

Although the game contains plenty of normal gems (red, blue and yellow) to socket into your gear, it’s the game’s legendary gems which offer the best attribute bonuses and power boosts to your character. You can slot a maximum of 6 and you earn these in all manner of ways, but mostly from completing Elder Rifts.

Legendary Gems are also split between different tiers. 1 star and 2 star legendary gems are generally more common to acquire, whilst 5 star are much harder and offer great bonuses when slotted into your primary gear stots.

Below is a list of the best starter legendary gems (a mix of 1 and 2 star) as well as the best outright gems to slot into your primary gear slots.

Best Starter Legendary Gems Best Legendary Gems
Beserker’s Eye Blessing of the Worthy
Chained Death Blood Soaked Jade
Everlasting Torment Chip of Stone Flesh
Fervant Fang Frozen Heart
Lightning Core Phoenix Ashes
Trickshot Gem Sleeping Bile

That’s everything you need to know about the best Diablo Immortal Crusader build for Season 1. If you’re looking for more Diablo Immortal guides, builds and tips then you’ll find plenty more help on the links below.

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