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Nick FarrellAugust 6, 2024

Diablo 4 Season 5 Patch Notes: All Changes Coming and More

Diablo 4 has been progressing smoothly since the arrival of it's latest season, and fans are already looking ahead to the DLC. 

However, a brand new patch is here in the form of Season 5, and there should be some great changes coming.

Here's all we know. 

Diablo 4 Season 5 Patch Notes: All Changes Coming and More

The brand new patch has been pushed live on August 6, and players can look ahead to the following changes. 

Game Updates

Infernal Hordes

  • Distinct audio queues have been added to signal the beginning and end of a wave.
  • The number of waves has been tuned.
    • Tiers 1-3: 6 Waves
    • Tiers 4-5: 7 Waves
    • All other tiers remain unchanged.
  • The wave timer has been reduced to 60 seconds.
  • The number of Monsters encountered has been generally increased across the board.
  • The Health Pools of the Council and other Bosses have been reduced.
  • Infernal Compasses can now be acquired more frequently and through more means.
    • Tier 4-5 Compasses can drop in High Tier Nightmare Dungeons.
    • Tiers 4-8 Compasses now naturally drop in high tier Pit runs.
    • Tiers 4-8 Compasses will now rarely drop in Helltide and from Whisper caches after completing these tiers of Nightmare Dungeons or Pits. (Ex: Tiers 4 and 5 Compasses can drop in Helltide and Whispers after completing Nightmare Dungeons of Tier 75 and 100 respectively).
    • Infernal Compasses can now be crafted at the Occultist. They cost Forgotten Souls and Sigil Powder. Additionally, Compasses can now be salvaged for Sigil Powder.
  • The drop rate of Compasses within the activity itself has been increased.
  • Rewards from chests have been significantly increased, and the price of all chests have been decreased.
  • The drop rate for Abyssal Scrolls has been increased.
  • Common Herbs and Angelbreath have been added as potential drops. The drop rate for Shattered Prisms has been reduced.
  • Defeating the council has an additional, guaranteed drop of Aether that scales with tier.
  • Shocktroopers, Aether Masses, Hellseekers, and Soul Spires now drop more Aether.
  • Pets now can pick up Aether on the ground.


  • Exploit Weakness no longer Executes all enemies at any health.
    • Previous: Lucky Hit: Direct damage to a Vulnerable enemy has up to a 45% chance to increase your damage by 1% for 25 seconds, up to 50%. At 50 stacks, this bonus resets and you Execute all Nearby Non-Boss enemies.
    • Now: Lucky Hit: Hitting a vulnerable enemy has up to a 60% chance to increase your damage by 1%[x] for 25 seconds, up to 25%[x]. At 25 stacks the bonus remains for 6 seconds then expires.
  • Björnfang's Tusks has been reworked and given a new name. A part of its power was introduced to be inherent for Cataclysm. See below in each relevant section for more info.
  • Drop rate for Legendary items in Helltide has been improved for monsters higher than Level 100.
  • We have made numerous other updates to Helltide. See below for more details.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where Double Swing did not strike additional times on a fifth cast when using Twin Strikes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Expose Vulnerability passive could trigger from Basic Skills when using the Shard of Verathiel Unique item.
  • Fixed an issue where stacks wouldn't be granted from Crown of Lucion while channeling Whirlwind.


  • Fixed an issue where Poison Creeper's damage could scale extremely high when hitting multiple enemies.


  • Fixed an issue where the Aspect of Bursting Bones didn't properly scale with the effect from Path of Trag'Oul.


  • Fixed an issue where certain Stun Grenade effects didn't properly function.
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Flurry and Momentum lost stacks when triggering Lucky Hit or other on-hit effects.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tempering Affix that grants bonus life while Dark Shroud is active didn't function.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tempering Affix that grants bonus damage per active Dark Shroud was granting more damage than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tempering Affix that grants bonus Resistance and Max Resistance after using a Health Potion did not increase Maximum Resistance.
  • Fixed an issue where Enhanced Caltrops did not increase damage as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vengeful Aspect had 10% Lucky Hit Chance instead of 25%.
  • Fixed an issue where Fundamental Blade Shift did not Daze targets after applying 3 stacks.
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Flurry didn't gain damage from its stacks if it was imbued.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage bonus from Malice was additive instead of multiplicative.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bonus Movement from Enhanced Dark Shroud could be lost when switching equipment.


  • Fixed an issue where Enhanced Lightning Spear didn't properly function.
  • Fixed an issue where Enhanced Lightning Spear was granting more Critical Strike Chance than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Axial Conduit's Explosion did not benefit from Greater Chain Lightning.
  • Fixed an issue where the Axial Conduit’s explosion was dealing much less damage than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where bonus Chain Lightning Projectiles did not benefit from Axial Conduit.
  • Fixed an issue where the Aspect of Elemental Acuity couldn't be applied to Amulets.
  • Fixed an issue where Flame Shield Enchantment was not functioning properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Flame Shield Enchantment granted for free by the Aspect of the Firebird would place Flame Shield on cooldown.


  • Fixed an issue where Azurewrath did not Freeze enemies or deal Cold damage when equipped by a Druid or Sorcerer.
  • Fixed an issue where several new Unique items would become account-bound on pickup.
  • Fixed an issue where Tortured Gifts in World Tiers I and II didn't always drop items.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Tempering Recipes could be lost after Seasonal Migration.
  • Fixed an issue where skills that grant immunity would trigger their cooldown incorrectly when they were automatically cast by another source, such as Yen's Blessing.
  • Fixed an issue where Boss health in The Pit would decrease each subsequent respawn.
  • Fixed an issue where non-boss monsters in The Pit could gain the damage reduction buff applied to Bosses.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mother's Judgement boss could not drop loot.
  • Fixed an issue where Varshan could fail to spawn.

Game Updates

New Items and Tempering Recipes

The Alchemist Control Rogue Temper Manual will not be available in Patch 1.5.0. It will return with Patch 1.5.1.

All Classes

Tempering Recipes

Worldly Finesse - Offensive


  • +X% Critical Strike Damage
  • +X% Vulnerable Damage
  • +X% Overpower Damage
  • +X% Ultimate Damage


Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Forward Momentum - Mobility

  • Knocking back an enemy grants 25-40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

Tempering Recipes

Slayer's Finesse - Offensive

  • +X% Vulnerable Damage
  • +X% Bonus Damage against Injured
  • +X% Bleeding Damage


Unique Items

Mjölnic Ryng – Unique Ring

  • While Cataclysm is active, you gain unlimited Spirit and deal 40-100%[X] increased damage.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Rushing Wilds - Mobility

  • Casting a Companion Skill grants 5-15% Movement Speed for 5 seconds, up to 15-45%.

Tempering Recipes

Ultimate Efficiency - Resource

  • +X% Cataclysm Cooldown Reduction
  • +X% Lacerate Cooldown Reduction
  • +X% Petrify Cooldown Reduction
  • +X% Grizzly Rage Cooldown Reduction


Unique Items

Path of Trag'Oul - Unique Boots

  • Bone Prison traps a larger area and fires 20-35 Bone Splinters at enemies trapped within. Increase your Maximum Essence by 2 for 8 seconds each time these Bone Splinters hit an enemy.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Unholy Tether - Mobility

  • Casting Golem's active Skill creates a bond between you for 6 seconds. While the bond is active, both of you are Unhindered and gain 25-40% Movement Speed.

Inexorable Reaper's - Mobility

  • Sever now dashes you forward to attack instead. It becomes a Mobility Skill and costs no Essence, but has a 22-7 second cooldown.

Aspect of Creeping Mist - Mobility

  • Gain 20-35% Evade Cooldown Reduction.
  • You can now Evade during Blood Mist, traveling twice as far. Entering or exiting Blood Mist resets your Evade Cooldown.

Imprisoned Spirit's - Offensive

  • When Bone Spirit explodes inside a Bone Prison, it explodes an additional time, dealing 40-70% of normal damage.
  • Bone Spirit now prioritizes enemies inside a Bone Prison.

Tempering Recipes

Necromancer Wall - Defensive

  • Skill Ranks of Necrotic Carapace
  • Skill Ranks of Drain Vitality
  • Minion Damage Reduction
  • Chance for your Minion Attacks to Fortify you for 3% Maximum Life


Unique Items

Shroud of Khanduras – Unique Chest Armor

  • Dark Shroud grants Immune for 3 seconds, but your Evade Cooldown is increased by 9-3 seconds. Evading while Dark Shroud is active leaves behind an explosion that deals Shadow damage and pulls in enemies.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Nebulous Brews – Mobility

  • Using a Healing Potion grants 35-50% Movement Speed for 3 seconds. After moving 30 20 meters, you spawn a Healing Potion.

Galvanized Slasher's – Resource

  • Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Mobility Skill has a 15-30% chance to fully restore your Energy. Your Maximum Energy is increased by 10-25 15-30.

Of Iron Rain – Offensive

  • Smoke Grenade has a 35-50% chance to create an Arrow Storm where it explodes, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds. Your Arrow Storms continuously apply Vulnerable.

Breakneck Bandit's – Offensive

  • Flurry deals 15-30% 25-40% increased damage and has a 20% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds with each hit.

Mired Sharpshooter's – Utility

  • Caltrops is now a Marksman Skill that periodically throws 5-20 piercing daggers over its Duration, each dealing Shadow damage and applying Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

Tempering Recipes

Subterfuge Expertise

  • Increased Smoke Grenade damage.
  • Increased Smoke Grenade Size.
  • Increased damage for each Dark Shroud Shadow.
  • Increased damage on Next Attack after entering Stealth.

Rogue Persistence

  • Increased Maximum Life Percentage gained while Dark Shroud is active.
  • Increased Maximum and All Resistance Percentage for 5 Seconds from Health. Potions.
  • Increased Skill Ranks of Second Wind.
  • Increased Skill Ranks of Aftermath.


Unique Items

Axial Conduit - Unique Pants

  • Chain Lightning alternates between orbiting you and seeking up to 3 enemies. When it returns, it drains 6 Mana from you for each active Chain Lightning. After draining 66 total Mana, the bolt explodes for (270%-570%) (150%-600%) Lightning damage.
  • Chain Lightning expires if you don't have enough Mana for it to drain.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect Of Tenuous Agility

  • Gain 5-15% increased Movement Speed. This bonus is doubled if you haven't used a Defensive Skill in 8 seconds.

Aspect Of the Firebird

  • Gain the Flame Shield Enchantment for free.
  • When Flame Shield activates, Meteorites fall around you dealing (50%-70%) Fire damage.

Lightning Rod Aspect

  • Chain Lightning has a 5-20% chance to chain an additional time when hitting Crowd Controlled enemies and Bosses, and will seek them as targets.
  • Chain Lightning has a 25% chance to deal 50-80%[x] increased damage. This chance is doubled against Bosses or Crowd Controlled enemies and prefers them as targets.

Aspect Of Elemental Acuity

  • Casting a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill increases your Mana Regeneration by 10-20% for 5 seconds, once per Element.
  • At maximum stacks, the total bonus is increased to 60-120% for 10 seconds, but all stacks expire after the duration.

Aspect Of the Orange Herald

  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5-10% Chance when you damage an enemy with a Skill to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds. Can only happen once per Skill cast.

Tempering Recipes

Discharge - Weapon

  • +X% chance to cast an additional Charged Bolt (moved from Shock Augments)
  • +X% Teleport size (moved from Shock Augments)
  • +X% chance for Arc Lash to swipe twice

Conjuration - Weapon

  • +1-2 Hydra Heads on Cast.
  • X% chance for another Ice Blade on Cast.
  • X% chance for another Lightning Spear on Cast.

Conjuration Fortune - Utility

  • +X% Hydra Lucky Hit Chance.
  • +X% Ice Blade Lucky Hit Chance.
  • +X% Lightning Spear Lucky Hit Chance.

Elemental Control - Utility

  • +X Skill ranks to Convulsions.
  • +X Skill ranks to Snap Freeze.
  • +X Skill ranks to Crippling Flames.

Existing Tempering Recipe Additions

  • +X Skill ranks to Conduction - Added to Sorcerer Motion.
  • +X Ice Armor Duration - Added to Frost Cage.

Balance Updates

All Unique items have received an update to better align them with our current design philosophy for Unique items. A visual gallery showcasing the changes to each item can be found at the end of these patch notes.




  • Adjusted functionality: After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Clobber, Stunning enemies for 1.5 seconds. Clobber twice as often while using a Two-Handed weapon.

Enhanced Bash

  • Adjusted functionality: Clobbering an enemy grants you 20% Maximum Life as Fortify.

Battle Bash

  • Adjusted functionality: Clobbering an enemy generates an additional 10 Fury.

Enhanced Flay

  • Vulnerable duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.

Combat Flay

  • Damage Reduction increased from 3% to 4%.
  • Maximum stacks increased from 4 to 5.
  • Buff duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds.

More changes can be found here.