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Turtle BeachJune 23, 2021

Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Best Loadouts


Games News


Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Best Loadouts


June 23, 2021

Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 has brought a ton of weapon changes, with some getting buffed and others nerfed. Weapon mods and attachments were also shaken up, meaning that most weapon loadouts needed to be overhauled. We’ve done the busy work for you and figured out which guns — both new and old — are worth using this season, and how you plan their loadouts.

Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Best Loadouts

Milano 821: Back From The Dead

The Milano 821 has been consistently… not good. The little SMG has always been an extremely mobile gun, but this mobility came at the cost of ever actually being useful in a firefight. Season 4’s balancing, however, has made this gun one of the best in Warzone. If you haven’t taken a look at the Milano before, now is the time. Here’s the best loadout for the Milano 821 in Warzone:

  • Muzzle: Sound Suppressor
    • The Sound Suppressor makes perfect sense for a lightweight SMG. This grants sound suppression, increased Aim Down Sight Speed, increased Bullet Velocity, and enhanced Sprint to Fire Speed. You do sacrifice your Effective Damage Range, but you should only be using the Milano in close proximity anyway.
  • Barrel: 10.6″ Task Force
    • The Task Force also increases Bullet Velocity and Strafe Speed, with a small boost to your Effective Damage Range to counter the Suppressor. You do gain a bit of recoil, but this shouldn’t be a problem for close-range fights.
  • Ammunition: Salvo 55 Rnd Fast Mag
    • The Fast Mag isn’t everyone’s favorite pick, as it does increase your Aim Down Sight Time. But for that small price, you also get quicker reloading which can be your saving grace in an intense firefight. If you’re more confident in your aim, the STANAG 55 Rnd Drum is another great pick.
  • Underbarrel: Bruiser Grip
    • This grip gives you a massive increase to melee attacks. This may seem pointless, but given that the Milano is intended for extremely close-range fights, this grip may save you during a reload.
  • Stock: Raider Stock
    • The Raider Stock is simply the best pick for the Milano, offering Higher ADS Firing Move Speed, Aim Walking Speed, and Sprint to Fire Time. All you sacrifice in return is some hip-fire accuracy, which you shouldn’t really be doing with the Milano in the first place.

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MG 82: The Best

Look: The MG 82’s days were always going to be numbered. It may have just been added, but the gun was too broken to avoid a nerf arriving rapidly. That said, the gun hasn’t been hit as hard as many expected. With the right tools, it can still be a beastly addition to your arsenal. Here are our recommendations:

  • Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
    • The Agency Suppressor increases Sound Suppression, Vertical Recoil Control, Bullet Velocity, and Effective Damage Range. You lose out on Aiming Stability and Aim Down Sight Speed, but given this LMG has a large magazine and isn’t used in extreme close combat, this shouldn’t be an issue.
  • Barrel: 13.4″ SOR Cut Down
    • The SOR Cut Down increases your ADS Firing Move Speed and Firing Movement Speed with few downsides.
  • Optic: Axial Arms 3x
    • Your optic choice is pretty much up to you, but the Axial Arms 3x fits well with the MG 82’s best-effective range.
  • Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
    • This grip gives your gun a bit more control and helps you land your shots at range.
  • Stock: Raider Stock
    • Same as for the Milano: tons of upsides, with the only downside occurring if you’re panicking and hip firing. Don’t hipfire and the Raider Stock is only a positive.

C58 Rifle: New This Season

The C58 is one of the new DLC weapons for Season 4. While it’s not as powerful as older guns in the game, it is balanced and a force to be reckoned with. Learning how to use the C58 now puts you in a solid position as it’s unlikely to be nerfed anytime soon. Here’s a great starter loadout to get a feel for the new DLC weapon:

  • Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
    • Similar to the MG 82, you get a lot of perks without many actual downsides.
  • Barrel: 18.7″ Ranger
    • The Ranger increases your Bullet Velocity and Vertical Recoil Control. In return, you only get some reductions to Aim Walking Speed Movement and Hip Fire Accuracy, neither of which will make or break in a firefight.
  • Optic: Axial Arms 3x
    • The 3x scope fits well with the gun’s usual combat range, but feel free to swap this out if you prefer a different reticle.
  • Ammunition: STANAG 55 RND
    • The STANAG nets you 55 rounds of ammo at the cost of increased Aim Down Sight Time and Reload Speed. Because this gun is for medium and long ranges, neither of these matters too much.
  • Rear Grip: Serpent Wrap
    • The main benefit to the Serpent Wrap is the increased Aim Down Sight Speed, which counters the decrease of the STANAG to even out the gun’s feel.

Stick with the Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 loadouts above to gain the edge over your competition, at least until the next major patch arrives.

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Nicolas Perez is a journalist who has played way too much Civilization 5. He’s rambling on Twitter @Nic_Perez_.