
Apex Legends Season 12 has launched worldwide and with Apex just hitting its most active players on Steam ever, its safe to say the games in a good spot as of now.
Now, Bangalore has some brand new challenges within the game and we're going to run over what players will need to do to complete them.
How To Complete 'Scout of Action' Challenge in Apex Legends
These challenges are apart of Bangalore's story missions, and we've seen them in the past, and we're sure we're also going to be seeing more of them in the near future.
Bascially, these challenges are all centered around aiming and hitting targets in quick sucession, and that's Bangalore's natural habitat.
So, in order to complete this challenge players will need to load into the Firing Range as Bangalore, and obtain the G7 Scout.
Once this is done, you're going to have to hit 35 Blue Targets within a minute, which sounds like a lot at first, but isn't too bad once you actually get into it!